Tuesday, August 07, 2007

A Healthy Living Lifestyle

Funny thing about a medical scare is that it presents different ideas for you to change your whole perspective on how to have a healthier life.

A week ago, during an unscheduled doctor's visit, my doctor felt a lump on my right breast. After a few more tests, i have decided to have it taken out by August 25. They said that its a minor procedure but this is my first operation ever so I'm nervous about it, but... it is all in God's hands. I claim that with God's grace, my lump is benign and God has a wonderful future in store for me.

Well, this early detection can be a great blessing in disguise for me. First, I've always wanted to have a healthier lifestyle but have always put it off for one reason or another but I think its about time for me to be serious about it.

All my family and friends know me as the most unhealthy eater in the group. I don't eat vegetables and I love fatty foods! A stick of cigarette and a cup of coffee kicks off my day. I love carbs, ok, ok... I love rice. I can eat two cups of rice with fried pork and a lot of fat anytime of the day. HAHAHA! Ok... so I'm pinoy. What can I say?

The change all started when I had to go through an emotional stage in my life. You know those sad, depression stages that leaves you with no appetite! OH!!! I love the effect of not eating. It made my tummy smaller and I lost weight drastically! People noticed that I became skinny which, in my eyes, is perfect!

Well, the problem with losing weight that way is that its easy to gain it back. If you don't watch what you eat, you can easily gain the pounds back. So, like what they said, eating healthier is the best thing to do.

In addition to staying fit, I'm using my medical condition to start having a healthier lifestyle. Hahaha! It really has to take one major beating for me to really decide on this. Hopefully I can keep it up.

I resolve to:
a. Excercise at least 3 times a week
b. Have salad at least twice a day
c. Enrich myself with protein together with my salad
d. Lesser rice and more of whole grain bread and pasta
e. Lesser junk food
f. Lesser soda
g. Quit smoking
h. Healthier snacks like yogurt and fruits

This is not going to be easy but if I look at it as difficult from the beginning, I know that it will be something that I will always think of as a challenge. I should think of it as a decision and a choice that I made. To live a healthier and happier life.

Ok... I will post more updates as the days go by!

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