I don't really expect much on my birthdays. A simple quiet time in a beautiful place usually makes my birthday complete.
This year, my initiation to the big 30, I thought of throwing a big party to celebrate my birthday. But then, I realized, at the end of the day, I really just want to spend it with people who have made my first 30 years memorable, fulfilling, loving and full of wonderful life adventures!
I believe my birthday celebration started in Morocco. In our last few days in the tour of the country, I knew that this trip is the biggest birthday gift I can give myself. Not only because of the cost (hahaha!) but also because I am in a foreign place with people I truly enjoy the company of, Meine and Jacky. The places we saw, the unforgettable experiences, the people we've met, all of these made my first birthday celebration one of the most memorable ones. For more stories about our trip to Morocco, click here.
When Meine and I were sitting on top of the sand dunes of the Sahara Desert, I felt so thankful for all the wonderful blessings of the past 30 years... Really, there's no reason for me to complain or whine about anything. God gave me a beautiful life and all these wonderful, wonderful blessings. I can't thank him enough! What a way to step into my 30's!

My birthday weekend was fantastic care of Ed and God. That Saturday, Ed and I tried a restaurant in Greenhills called Persiana. We love trying different restaurants and reviewing them afterwards. They serve mediterranean food. It was ok. For more food reviews, click here.
Sunday, after watching the craziness of the Pacquiao-Morales fight, we headed to Luneta (Yes! yes! We went to Luneta! Super interesting to go there coz there's just so many fun things to see and do!) to watch the sunset! I'm telling you... God gives the best gifts. The sun, while it was setting that day, was a round ball of fire! It was unbelievably amazing! The best part of it all is experiencing God's gift to me with Ed. He is also God's beautiful gift to me for my birthday!
After the sun set, Ed and I headed to Dampa in Macapagal to have dinner with my family. Ed and I went around the market to buy fish and shrimps and everything that will be served on the table. It was a totally different experience for us since I never go to the market and we went there and bargained with the people together.
It's also my first birthday that I gave gifts to my family rather than receiving gifts from them. Our family has never been the gift-giving kind. We let birthdays and special occasions pass without giving anyone gifts. I think its a trait we got from our parents. Anyhow, on my birthday, I made sure that each one of them has a gift from me. Either a "pasalubong" from Morocco or something I just bought for them to enjoy. Another something different I did on my birthday. :-) My family is instrumental in forming my 30 years. I love them dearly!
On Monday, the day of my birthday, I woke up smiling. I knew it will be a fun day for me. It really is an extra-special day when its your birthday. It feels like the birds are chirping more and the sun is shining brighter for some reason. :-) I received sweet birthday greetings from friends and family. It feels good to be remembered and loved. It makes your being complete.
My friends organized a dinner for me... but of course, I was clueless and I didn't remember nor realize that they're planning something for me. Ed and I planned something for that night. My friends are just so loveable. They know how to show me that they love me. I don't have to ask for it nor to demand it from them. I just love them tons! Anyhow, I think our dinner is pushing through next week... or else... they'll kill me. That's how much they love me! hahaha!
The night of my birthday, I am amazed at how everything is just wonderful. God and I had a date! :-) I heard mass in Don Bosco Church while Ed was resting because of a headache. It was a blessing in disguise since I got to spend a good half hour one-on-one time with Him. And with my need to have my personal time once in a while, I went to the grocery and started my "lifestyle change" (more on that later!). After my "alone time", I was so looking forward to spending time with my honey! We had dinner at Chateau 1771. The food was great and we enjoyed listening to the guitar man playing sweet, soothing music. In the middle of dessert, it was time to open my gift! YAHOO!!!
There were three small pouches in the box that he handed me. When I opened all three of them, my eyes were tearing up so bad and my throat was so full I can't say a word. The non-stop talker Lyshiel was suddenly out of words! I felt so loved and so special. Ed is a super wonderful man not only because of the gifts he gave me but he always makes me happy. It's in his simple gestures of love that makes me realize that I'm such a lucky woman to have him in my life. His complete commitment to me without any entanglements or drama... his constant touch.. his full support in everything I do... his way of making me laugh... his confident self that he lets me be who I am and wanting me to try new things and learn new things all the time... those things and so much more makes me love him more and more everyday.
After dinner, I was looking at his gift on me on the rearview mirror and I saw another gift! hahaha! I saw the bouquet of flowers on the back seat of the car. Now, I really feel fantastic!!!
I have three more pending birthday celebrations! All because my friends are the coolest! :-)
I wouldn't have celebrated my birthday any other way. They said that 30's is the new 20's! I believe that! We are the more improved 20's. More stable and more sure of who we are... not exactly older... just more fabuous!